Working collaboratively with Teach West London will provide placement schools with the opportunity to:

  • Grow your own teachers. Train existing members of staff to become qualified teachers.
  • Choose who trains at your school. You can fully participate in the recruitment of trainee teacher(s) placed in your school
  • Nurture high calibre teachers. Trainee teachers will be immersed in a high-quality curriculum rooted in the latest evidence-based research. They will apply their theoretical learning to practise in the classroom
  • Increase your staffing capacity. Trainee teachers will be in school for 4 days a week for most of the academic year 
  • Help with recruitment challenges. Employ your trainee teacher(s) for the following year as ECTs
  • Gain free professional development for your staff to become excellent mentors. Each mentor will receive bespoke phase and subject training as well as general mentor skill training, with funding to release them to complete their training.

Become a Partner School

Becoming a Partner school with Teach West London includes all of the benefits listed above as per placement schools, with additional involvement in:

  • Supporting Teach West London with recruitment – for example through hosting school experience days, identifying placement schools through your networks, advertising our courses and holding Get Into Teaching events.
  • Supporting Teach West London with curriculum delivery – for example through providing opportunities for your excellent classroom practitioners to become lead mentors, quality assurers and visiting guest speakers.

If you would like to join our network of Partner schools and/or Placement schools for Initial Teacher Training, please complete the form below and we will respond with further information soon. Alternatively call us on 0203 301 3180