Teach West London are here to support you with recruitment by helping you to offer placements to trainee teachers - creating a pool of highly qualified early career teachers, trained by West London schools. 

As an accredited Initial Teacher Training provider, we can provide expert support and advice.

What support do we offer schools? 

  • High quality training and regular information events to keep you up to date with the Initial Teacher Training landscape.
  • Access to concise and easy to use information on Initial Teacher Training, including expectations of placement schools, mentoring and costs / funding available.
  • Support to overcome challenges / barriers to offering placements to trainees.
    Bespoke 1-to-1 support to help meet your individual needs as a school. You can contact us by phone/email if and when you need support. 
  • Information about Initial Teacher Training providers working with schools in your area. We are able to support you to make contact with a provider that is right for you and your setting.

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Do you need something else? We are responsive to the needs of our schools, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions and requests!

What have we done so far?

  • We have strengthened relationships with other Initial Teacher Training providers and gathered information from them about which schools they work with to offer trainee placements.
  • We have built strong networks and partnership with expert local schools.
  • We have gathered information from more than 60% of schools across our area to better understand our local schools’ engagement with Initial Teacher Training and what barriers / challenges they face. If you have not yet responded to our surveys, please click on the relevant links in the survey section below.
  • We have developed an information guide for schools to address key questions.
  • We are keeping an up-to-date list of schools, willing to offer additional placements to trainees. Read more and add your school to the list here.


Initial Teacher Training engagement survey 1 – are you offering placements? For us to continue to support with recruitment of teachers to West London schools, it is really important that we receive the answer to the three key questions from all of our schools. Complete our quick survey.

Initial Teacher Training engagement survey 2  If you are offering placements to trainees, we would like to understand more about your school’s level / type of engagement with teacher training. Complete our quick survey.

Understanding the barriers to engagement with Initial Teacher Training: We would like to support as many schools / institutions as possible to benefit from involvement with initial teacher training. To do this we would like to understand more about why some schools / institutions don't currently (2023-2024) feel able to offer a placement(s) to a trainee teacher(s). This quick survey will only take a few minutes, but the answers will be incredibly helpful in shaping our future work. Complete our quick survey.

Share your experiences: If you have suggestions of how to overcome barriers or how offering placement opportunities has successfully supported recruitment in your setting, we’d love to hear from you. Complete our quick survey.